Tutoral :
- Buka NinjaSaga, pilih karakter, START
- Masuk ke PET SHOP
- Lihat nama Pet yang ingin di beli... (misalnya : Chiko)
- Buka Cheat_Engine, open plugin-container.exe, terus value type --> 'TEXT'
- HEX di isi dengan nama pet (misalnya : Chiko), lalu FIRST_SCAN.. terus semua address turunin ke bawah
- Value nama nya ganti aja dengan nama yang disukai (misalnya : value 'Chiko', ganti jadi 'Gagak')
- Balik ke ninjasaga, beli saja tu pet yangg udah di ganti nama nya tadi
- Keluar dari Pet_Shop.. Lihat di pilihan Pet, namanya pet udah berubah
- Terus REFRESH / RELOAD.. Waktu masuk NS lg, nama pet nya uda permanent
NB: Penggantian nama karakter pet hanya terbaca sesuai dengan jumlah karakter nama pet awal.
(Misal : 'Chiko', mau diganti jadi 'Burung', yang terbaca hanya tulisan 'Burun'
Gimana kalo pet 'Eriko' Mau di ganti 'Anjing', yah hanya 'Anji' saja yang bisa di baca karena jumlah karakter 'Eriko' hanya 5 karakter, sementara 'Anjing' = 6 karakter....)
Tools: Cheat Engine
Tutoral :
- Open NinjaSaga, select the character, START
- Go to the PET SHOP
- See Pet name that you want to buy ... (example: Chiko)
- Open Cheat_Engine, open the plugin-container.exe, continue to value type -> 'TEXT'
- HEX fill in the name of the pet (ie: Chiko), then FIRST_SCAN .. keep all theaddresses down to the bottom
- Value instead wrote his name with the preferred name (eg: value 'Chiko', so instead of 'Crow')
- Back to ninjasaga, just buy it already in the pet yangg change her last name
- Exit from Pet_Shop .. Look at the choice of pet, pet names already changed
- Continue to REFRESH / RELOAD .. NS time in. lg, his pet name uda permanent
NB:-Replacement of the pet name of the character just read in accordance with the number of characters beginning pet name.
- Pet name sometimes the letters could only be 1-6 characters
Tutoral :
- Open NinjaSaga, select the character, START
- Go to the PET SHOP
- See Pet name that you want to buy ... (example: Chiko)
- Open Cheat_Engine, open the plugin-container.exe, continue to value type -> 'TEXT'
- HEX fill in the name of the pet (ie: Chiko), then FIRST_SCAN .. keep all theaddresses down to the bottom
- Value instead wrote his name with the preferred name (eg: value 'Chiko', so instead of 'Crow')
- Back to ninjasaga, just buy it already in the pet yangg change her last name
- Exit from Pet_Shop .. Look at the choice of pet, pet names already changed
- Continue to REFRESH / RELOAD .. NS time in. lg, his pet name uda permanent
NB:-Replacement of the pet name of the character just read in accordance with the number of characters beginning pet name.
- Pet name sometimes the letters could only be 1-6 characters