Tools : Cheat Engine
Info HP = 4200
Cheat ini sama dengan cheat HK boss:
Pelajari Dulu!!!!
1. Buka ninja saga
2. ke panel shikigami dori, pilih bos-nya dan attack
3. Jangan Serang Boss
4. Buka Cheat Engine buka gambar komputer kecil di pojok kiri atas sesuai apa yg anda pakai buat cheat,
lalu pilih 4 bytes
5. Masukan jumlah HP Boss di kotak Scan
6. setelah itu keluar beberapa address
7. Kembali ke Ninja saga...Serang Boss
8. Buka Cheat Engine lagi cari value HP Boss yang berkurang
9. Jika sudah menemukan value HP Boss yang berkurang.. jangan ganti value tersebut..
10. Ganti value address yang di atas-nya menjadi 0
contoh: lawan Ape King (setelah boss diserang ada value yang berubah)
01F68D00,,,,,,,,,88407 >> jangan ganti value ini karena pasti error
04A0BB21,,,,,,,,,90720 >> Ganti value yang ini 0 (yang di bawahnya)
11. Setelah value-nya diganti...serang boss...
12. Dan lihatlah hasilnya...
English Version
Info HP = 4200
This cheat with cheat HK boss:
Learn First!!
1. Open the cheat
2. Go to the panel shikigami dori, select the boss and attack
3. Do not Attack Boss
4. Open Cheat Engine open a small computer image on the top left corner fit forwhat you use the
cheat, select 4 bytes
5. Enter the number in the box HP Boss Scan
6. after it came out a few addresses
7. Back to Ninja Attack Boss saga ...
8. Open Cheat Engine again looking for the diminished value of HP's Boss
9. If you've found the value of reduced HP Boss .. Do not change the values ..
10. Change the value of addresses on it becomes 0
example: opponent Ape King (after the boss is attacked there is value has changed)
Address,,,,,,,,,,,, Value
01F68D00,,,,,,,,, 90 720
01F68D00,,,,,,,,, 88 407>> Do not change this value because certain errors
04A0BB21,,,,,,,,, 90 720>> Change this value to 0 (under which)
09E3A150,,,,,,,,, 90 720
11. Once its value is replaced ... attacking the boss ...
12. And look at the results ...