Maaf Gan Gambarnya blum
Tools :
Tools :
Tutorial fiddler :
- Jalankan Fiddler
- Klik Tab AutoResponder (yg icon-nya petir hijau)
- Centang kotak "Enable automatic responses" dan juga "Permit passthrough for unmatched request"
- tarik .SWF File yang kamu download tadi ke kolom AutoResponder
- Masuk ke Ninja Saga
- Setelah itu Hapus chace browser (wajib)
Cara Menghapus chace :
- Untuk Mozilla Firefox : Tools -> Options -> Advanced -> Pilih Network Tab -> Clear Now -> Klik OK
- Untuk Google Chrome : Pilih icon yang berada di pojok kanan atas (sebelah bintang) -> Options -> Under the Hood -> Clear Browsing Data -> Empty the cache -> Clear Browsing Data
Tools :
Tutorial fiddler :
1. Run Fiddler
2. Click the Tab autoresponder (which his lightning green icon)
3. Check the "Enable automatic responses" and also "Permit passthrough forUnmatched request"
4. pull. SWF file that you downloaded earlier to the column Autoresponder
5. Go to Ninja Saga
6. After that Delete your browser cache (optional)
How to Delete the cache:
For Mozilla Firefox: Tools -> Options -> Advanced -> Choose Network Tab -> Clear Now -> Click OK
For Google Chrome: Select the icon in the upper right corner (next to the stars) ->Options -> Under the Hood -> Clear Browsing Data -> Empty the cache -> Clear Browsing Data
1. Run Fiddler
2. Click the Tab autoresponder (which his lightning green icon)
3. Check the "Enable automatic responses" and also "Permit passthrough forUnmatched request"
4. pull. SWF file that you downloaded earlier to the column Autoresponder
5. Go to Ninja Saga
6. After that Delete your browser cache (optional)
How to Delete the cache:
For Mozilla Firefox: Tools -> Options -> Advanced -> Choose Network Tab -> Clear Now -> Click OK
For Google Chrome: Select the icon in the upper right corner (next to the stars) ->Options -> Under the Hood -> Clear Browsing Data -> Empty the cache -> Clear Browsing Data
1. Go To Headquarters
2. Click Token>Gold
1. Go To Headquarters
2. Click Token>Gold
3. Click Exchange
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